Episode 520 – Building The Holistic Perimenopause & Menopause Coaching Certification

Episode 520 - Building The Holistic Perimenopause & Menopause Coaching Certification

Over the last 6 months we have been busy behind the scenes adding a new member to our FIT CHICKS Academy certification family…introducing the Holistic Perimenopause & Menopause Coach certification!  In this episode, we take you behind building a certification program with Naturopathic doctors,  why menopause was the focus for our next program and how this will transform you or your coaching.

Also right now we have pre-enrollment open for our introductory group in January 2024!  To get more information, check it out at www.fitchicksacademy.com/menopause

Episode 519 – Why You Need To Take Your Coaching Business Online: Interview With Lori Kennedy

Episode 519 - Why You Need To Take Your Coaching Business Online: Interview With Lori Kennedy

This episode is for all coaches and up and coming coaches who have dreamed of taking their practice online but are feeling so stuck with how to actually do it. Maybe you have watched a few webinars here and there or read a few articles about the steps to building an online coaching program, but it feels complicated, overwhelming or like all of the information is in pieces and not in a sequence that makes sense. Like trying to build a puzzle but you are missing the frame. Today we chat with Lori Kennedy, Founder and CEO of The Wellness Business Hub and overall rockstar at helping coaches and health practitioners take their business online, where she will be sharing the 5 simple step method to creating an online program. This is a proven, simple and effective strategy to get started today in the online space that she not only used to build her own multiple 7 figure business but also the exact formula she follows to get her clients up and running in her signature programs. So tune in today for all of the gold, take lots of notes and get ready to take immediate action.

Ready to get started taking your coaching online? 

Join Lori’s FREE 5 Day Live Course: Create & Fill Your First Online Program now at https://www.wbhvirtualclass.com/fc-5day

Whether you’re just getting started online and don’t have an email list or following or you’ve been working with clients for a while, you do not need any experience to join the free course. 

This FREE 5-Day Live Course is unlike any other free resources you’ve experienced! You’re going to get personalized feedback on your daily homework so that you can implement the things you’re learning. 

Lori Kennedy, Founder and CEO, The Wellness Business Hub

Lori Kennedy is first and foremost a mom to her two kids. She’s the Founder & CEO of The Wellness Business Hub, a global business development company for alternative practitioners and coaches who are starting and growing an online business. The Wellness Business Hub’s mission is to revolutionize how practitioners and coaches do business so they can have flexibility, freedom and financial stability while they transform lives for a living. We will achieve this by installing The Online Signature Program Method™ into 100,000 practitioner and coach businesses so that they have the proven framework to start, grow and scale online

Episode 518 – Navigating Menopause with Clients: 5 Common Coaching Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Episode 518 - Navigating Menopause with Clients: 5 Common Coaching Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Menopause is a natural phase of life. 

However, it also brings significant physical and emotional changes that can make coaching women in this stage challenging. 

In this episode, we’ll explore five common reasons why coaches may struggle to effectively support women in peri-menopause and menopause and what you need to know as a health coach to start to navigate through this season with clients.

Want to dive deeper into holistic coaching? Make sure to check out our upcoming certifications at www.fitchicksacademy.com 

Episode 517 – As Fitness & Nutrition Changes in Your Forties

Episode 517 - As Fitness & Nutrition Changes in Your Forties

In this personal episode, we are sharing about how fitness, nutrition and mindset has started to change for us in our 40’s.  Not only because of lifestyle, but also as we enter the season of life that many women do not talk about: perimenopause.  This is also the first conversation into a very special secret project we have been working on behind the scenes!

Want to dive deeper into coaching? Make sure to check out our upcoming certifications at www.fitchicksacademy.com 

Episode 516 – Stepping into a Weight Loss Journey: What you need to know before you start to be successful

Episode 516 - Stepping into a Weight Loss Journey: What you need to know before you start to be successful

Starting a weight loss program can be hard and the success rates are very low.  The reason is we don’t take the time to set ourselves up for success BEFORE we start.  There are 6 things you need to do in advance of stepping into your weight loss journey that will set you up for success, reduce setbacks and failure rates and make the process so much easier than just jumping in.

Want to dive deeper into nutrition & weight loss coaching?  Check out our Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coach Certification to become a certified holistic nutrition & health coach with a specialty in weight loss in as little as 60 days! Join us LIVE for the next Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coach Certification Info Session to learn more how you can join⇒ www.fitchicksacademy.com/hwlc

Day 6: GRAD SPOTLIGHT SERIES – Cathy Bjorndalen

Day 6: GRAD SPOTLIGHT SERIES - Cathy Bjorndalen

Oftentimes in life we reach a point where we think, ok what’s next? Maybe the kids are grown and moved out or a little more independent. Maybe we are thinking about the next steps in life like a career change, a retirement plan or even just a full on 360 to switch gears. Cathy Bjorndalen, a graduate of the Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coaching program, was going through those exact same steps prior to starting her new ventures. Cathy was someone who had been in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years but was looking at what’s next for her and her clients. How could she evolve and grow and continue to create new opportunities for herself and clients to work together, grow together and transform together. After graduating from the academy, Cathy truly felt that she now had all of the pieces in place to offer the full puzzle to her clients. Listen in today to our Grad Spotlight to hear more about the steps Cathy has taken since graduating, why her gym has picked up her programming to offer in the studio, what has truly helped her to transform her business and her clients success and her biggest aha moment as a coach.

Ready to get started on your own transformation? Enrollment is closing soon for the Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coaching program. With classes starting on October 30th the time is now to enroll at www.fitchicksacademy.com/hwlc We truly cannot wait to walk this path with you.

Cathy Bjorndalen is the founder of Bloom Fitness – Holistic Nutrition Services and in person and online fitness classes. For more information on Cathy and to follow her for more inspo please check her out at @cathybloomfitness



As a stay at home mom, sometimes it can feel as though you lose yourself in the day to day. You continue to put your dreams, aspirations and ideas on the back burner so you can stay focused on the family’s needs.  Kai, a graduate of our Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coaching program also felt this same way, until one day she decided to go for it. To dust off her dreams and follow her passion to help others, outside of her home, get healthy and fit. Kai got certified as a Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coach and since then has built her coaching business, Lady K Fitness where she offers fitness, nutrition and wellness coaching. Since following her passions, she has not only felt a great sense of accomplishment for completing her certification and starting her business but she has also noticed how much her family, friends and others listen when she shares about health and wellness. Listen now for  more of Kai’s aha moments when it came to transitioning from stay at home mom to fierce business owner.

All dreams are possible, it is time to bring them back to the forefront. Enrollment is open right now for the Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coaching program at www.fitchicksacademy.com/hwlc Classes are starting on October 30th so register today and lets make those dreams a reality.

Kai Grosse is the Founder of Lady K Fitness where she offers group fitness programs, personal training and holistic nutrition programs for clients. Soon to also be offering up transformation programs featuring menopause, gut health and living your best holistic life. 

Follow for more inspiration:

FB:  @ladykfitness 

IG: @ladyk.fitness

Day 4: GRAD SPOTLIGHT SERIES – Abigail Sanders

Day 4: GRAD SPOTLIGHT SERIES - Abigail Sanders

Have you ever felt like you wanted to take a new direction in life but just were not sure which path was best for you? Like you were struggling to find your purpose in life? Abi felt that same way. After working in retail for the majority of her career she knew she wanted to make a change but just wasn’t quite sure which direction to go. After taking a course in life coaching and mindset, she felt her head was full of knowledge but still was uncertain how to use it all to help clients. Then Abi found our Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coaching Certification and decided to add on this extra layer of education to her resume and skill set. At age 50, Abi is now not only in the best shape of her life but she is also showing others that it is never too late to get started on your health or life journey. She also shares in today’s episode why it is necessary to continue to perfect your craft and her biggest piece of advice to any aspiring coach. Listen today to Abi’s inspirational message of what is possible.

If you know in your heart that helping others is what drives you, what makes you feel complete and what truly feels like your path in life, enroll now for our Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coaching Program so we can help you every step of the way. Enrollment is open at www.fitchicksacademy.com/hwlc and as Abi stated “ Get on that boat and make your way to the fun side of the island as it’s awesome here. The certification is easy to navigate in the online space and has the help and support to back you if needed.”

Enrollment closes soon and classes start October 30th – register today at www.fitchicksacademy.com/hwlc 

Abi Sanders is a Holistic Mindset, Nutrition and Weight Management Coach decided to helping others reach their true potential. To learn more about Abi and all she is doing check her out at http://abztheweightmanagmentcoach.co.uk 

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Day 3: GRAD SPOTLIGHT SERIES – Leah Busbridge

Day 3: GRAD SPOTLIGHT SERIES - Leah Busbridge

If you have wondered if you should / could change careers and create a whole new life for yourself, this episode is for you. As a registered nurse for years, Leah decided it was time for a change. Her and her husband decided to make a massive shift and moved form the UK to CAN and also did a complete 360 and changed careers as well. Leah decided it was time to finally focus on the area she knew she was meant for and that was her calling, holistic nutrition and health coaching. In just a short amount of time, Leah was certified and ready to follow her path and launched her company Pho3nixfitness. In today’s Grad Spotlight, Leah shares her passion for health, why she knew she needed to take this leap of faith and how it is going now offering her training programs in her community. She also shares how she was able to make back her tuition in just 2 months and sign her first client a week after graduation. This episode is full of amazing Aha moments and inspo – check it out today.

If you are ready to take that step and create the life, health and career you have dreamed of, enrollment is open right now for the Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coaching Certification program. Enrollment closes soon as we begin on October 30th – so register today at www.fitchicksacademy.com/hwlc We cannot wait to welcome you to the academy.

Leah Busbridge is the founder of Pho3nixfitness a health and wellness company that operate in person and online coaching. For more details visit https://www.pho3nixfitness.com/about

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Day 2: GRAD SPOTLIGHT SERIES – Kristel Kretchmer

Day 2: GRAD SPOTLIGHT SERIES - Kristel Kretchmer

At 51 Kristel decided to leave the world she knew behind and jump two feet into starting a fitness coaching business. Little did she know the impact that this would have not only on her own life but also her clients. Now at 59, Kristel is operating a successful coaching business, generating over 35k plus a year doing what she loves and making an impact to those around her. Today she shares how she made back her tuition before even graduating from her certification, what made her decide to transition and follow her passion, what she is doing that gets her fired up on a daily basis to do and learn more and why it is NEVER too late to start. 

If you are ready to begin to make impact and income doing the thing you know you were meant to do and step into the world of holistic nutrition and health coaching, the time is now. It is never too late to start and our Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coaching Certification is open for enrollment now for classes starting on October 30th at www.fitchicksacademy.com/hwlc We cannot wait to see what you create for yourself and others. 

Kristel Kretchmer is the Founder of Get Fit With Kristel, a holistic fitness, nutrition and weight loss business designed to help you reach your goals once and for all. 

Learn more at https://getfitwithkristel.com/

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