Episode 340 - The Secret Ingredient to Being an Incredible Instructor
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Do you ever wonder why some coaches and trainers seem to have so much success while others might struggle? If so, today’s episode is for you. Today we uncover the one thing that will without a doubt be a game changer for you and your business. We talk not only about what this secret ingredient is but also how you can apply it in sessions and with your program marketing. Best part? It is totally free to use and can be applied right away to your coaching and business!
Ready to follow your passion as a health and fitness coach? Check out www.fitchicksacademy.com for more information about all upcoming certifications.
I stepped on the scale today and it went up and not down like I had hoped, ugh. I must be doing something wrong, but what?
I didnt sweat today that means I didnt work hard enough, right?
I am going to crunch until the cows come home that will get me the results I want, right?
The elliptical says I burned 500 calories, they are always so accurate, right?
There is so much confusion in the health and fitness industry, with so many mixed messages out there it can be so hard to figure out what is actually true or false. Today we are breaking down some of the most common myths we have heard over the years and answering not only why they are a myth but also what to do differently.
If myth busting is your jam and you are ready to learn more about health and fitness check out www.fitchicksacademy.com/fnebrochure to learn how you get certified today as a Fitness and Nutrition Expert.
So many fitness, nutrition & health coaches are struggling to grow their businesses BUT when asked, they have no idea what they really want to create or generate from clients, to lead to revenue goals. In this episode, Head Chick Laura takes you through how to get intentional in your business with a simple process you can start today that will have you hitting bigger goals than you ever thought possible!
Has quarantine been kicking your butt – mentally & physically- and you can’t get back on track with your health goals? We have been receiving a TON of messages from chicks dealing with weight gain, lack of motivation and trying to figure out how to get back on track. In this episode, Head Chick Laura takes you through the 3 things you must do to kickstart your health goals again (and none of them focus on a squat or a vegetable!) to make sure you are successful in these times. It is the action plan you need without stepping foot in a gym so make sure to listen!
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Episode 336 - In Person To Online Training: Interview with Andrea Laver
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When you first graduate from any program you are often times nervous to get started, have some real fears in place and end up doing what you think you should do vs what you actually want to do. You have a learning curve ahead of you that can seem steep but today Andrea Laver, Fitness and Nutrition Expert Graduate and owner of Goals and Gainz dives into this and shares her own behind the scenes. We talk fears, niche market and how and why she transitioned from in person to online training. Andrea also shares her top 3 tips with you all to help you get set up for online success.
If you are ready to dive in and learn how to become an effective trainer, download the Fitness and Nutrition Expert Certification brochure at www.fitchicksacademy.com/fnebrochure today.
Episode 335 - Do I Have DR? Interview with Andrea Laver
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Did you know that diastasis recti is not just for post pregnancy? That is right you can suffer from this even without having had a baby. Today we chat with Fitness and Nutrition Expert graduate and owner of Goals and Gainz Andrea Laver to find out more about DR, some common signs to look out for and some simple but super effective techniques you can use to begin to correct this today. Andrea also shares her top three things she has all clients focus on in order to start this process and no she is not talking crunches.
If you are ready to dive in and learn how to become an effective trainer, download the Fitness and Nutrition Expert Certification brochure at www.fitchicksacademy.com/fnebrochure today.
Episode 334 - The Importance of Finding Your Voice As a Trainer
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When we first started teaching fitness classes we had no idea just how important it was to show up in a way that felt authentic to you. We would show up and try to teach like other instructors and professionals we admired. By doing so we were repelling our ideal clients and becoming exhausted from always feeling like we were putting on a show. Today we chat about why it is important to find your voice as a trainer, to learn how you want to show up and how this will impact your clients and retention rates in the long run.
If you are ready to dive in and learn how to become an effective trainer, download the Fitness and Nutrition Expert Certification brochure at www.fitchicksacademy.com/fnebrochure today.
Episode 333 - Finding Your Inner Warrior: Interview with Lynette Tucker
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People will tell you to love yourself but we all know that is easier said than done. Do you ever wonder what it takes to finally let go of your insecurities and go after the thing you want most? Today we chat with Fitness and Nutrition Expert graduate and owner of Inner Warrior Fitness, Lynette Tucker to learn more about how she has went after her goals, focused on letting go of insecurities and changed the conversation with her family and clients to one of positivity. Lynette also shares how you can learn to love the process, even just a little more than you did today.
Get certified today as a Fitness and Nutrition Expert. Download our Fitness and Nutrition Expert Certification brochure to learn more now at www.fitchicksacademy.com/fnebrochure
Do you set goals for your life, health or business but never reach them? You feel frustrated and stuck but it is not you…it is just that you are making them more difficult than you need them to be! In this episode, Head Chick Laura takes you through 3 ways to get your mind and actions on track and stop making your goals feel like a never achieving battle to crushing them every single time.