Are you frustrated with a slowing metabolism or unwanted weight gain as you age? This month I am turning 45 and this is a convo I have been having a lot with friends, students and colleagues so it inspired me to do an episode about it! Today we are diving deep into why our metabolism changes over time, what’s really behind those stubborn extra pounds, what part we play in keeping our metabolism boosted and the actionable steps you can take to rev up your metabolism and feel your best at any age.
Whether you’re in your 30s, 40s, or beyond, this episode is packed with practical tips to help you age with strength, energy, and confidence.
Ready to dive deeper? If you’re a coach with female clients 40+ and looking to make a lasting impact on your clients’ lives, or if you’re simply curious for your own menopause transition, make sure to check out our brand new certification, the Holistic Perimenopause & Menopause Coaching Certificate starting March 21st. Learn more at