Episode 534 – Preventing Bad Moments From Turning Into Bad Days: Interview with Michael O’Brien

Episode 534 - Preventing Bad Moments From Turning Into Bad Days: Interview with Michael O’Brien

If working non stop and feeling like you are always on the hectic bus sounds like your everyday, this interview is a must listen. Michael O’Brien is a leading best selling author, speaker and founder of The Pause, Breathe, Reflect Meditation and Gratitude App where he helps clients to learn the art of mindfulness and breathwork one step at a time. But, this was not his norm. This was a hard lesson he learned through a massive accident that almost claimed his life. Life was telling him to slow down and pay attention and when he didn’t listen, he was faced with a major obstacle that would force him to slow down and also be very mindful of his time and where he was focusing his energy. After spending plenty of time in the hospital recovering, Michael came to realize that there was much more to life than what he was previously so focused on and decided to go on a mission to help others see what was also possible for them and to learn how to make a bad moment not turn into a bad day.

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