Today we are taking it way back! On Today’s episode, Co-Founder of FIT CHICKS Academy, Amanda Quinn will be sharing with you some nutrition and health habits she wasn’t aware were so important
to her overall results and health journey. We are talking fad diet mistakes, hydration and how everything is connected when it comes to health. Amanda also shares with you some of the mistakes she made in the past and more importantly, what she does now to make nutrition and overall wellness something that comes with a bit more ease. These are simple and actionable tips that you can use today or share with your clients to make their journey that much easier and goals more attainable.
Ready to dive deeper into nutrition & weight loss? Become a Certified Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coach in 2024 with Our next Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coach Certification Program starting March 4th! Join our next live info session to learn more ⇒ www.fitchicksacademy.com/livesession