Episode 498 – Getting Started On Your Fitness Journey As a Newbie

Episode 498 - Getting Started On Your Fitness Journey As a Newbie

Getting started on your fitness journey can feel a bit overwhelming, especially with so much information overload out there, it can be tough to decide where to begin. Most often we will default to what we “think” we should do or what we maybe have tried in the past but it is not necessarily the best approach for you today. On FIT CHICKS Chat, we are chatting about the top things to consider when starting out on your own journey, or things to consider as a coach who is working with someone who is ready to begin their health journey with you. 

Ready to get started on your fitness or coaching journey? Join our Summer Fast Track programs today, enrollment is now open at www.fitchicksacademy.com Register and begin today so you can be certified and ready to go faster than ever this summer.

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