Episode 439 – How HIIT Can Affect Your Hormones: Interview with Dr Ashley Dwyer

Episode 439 - How HIIT Can Affect Your Hormones: Interview with Dr Ashley Dwyer

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training ) training will always be a favorite for many people when it comes to training because it has so many benefits, like time savings, effective caloric burn and oftentimes more fun than a regular LISS workout. However, for all that is good there are also some things to look out for when it comes to adding HIIT to your workout plan. Today on FIT CHICKS Chat we are joined by Dr. Ashley Dwyer, a Pharmacist, ACE Certified Health Coach, and former NPC athlete to discuss all things HIIT. Dr. Ashley shares why HIIT is so popular, how it can sometimes cause more harm than good for some clients especially when it comes to hormonal health, red flags to look out for and how to put together an effective HIIT plan for you. 
At FIT CHICKS Academy, we love HIIT and while we do teach this in our Fitness and Nutrition Expert Certification, we also focus on all other forms of training and fitness, because as we say there is no one size fits all approach to health! If you love training and know you want to help others fall in love with their health journey, you can learn more about how to get certified to spread the healthy love at www.fitchicksacademy.com

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