Episode 438 – Why Fad Diets Fail and What To Do Instead

Episode 438 - Why Fad Diets Fail and What To Do Instead

Today on FIT CHICKS Chat we are joined by Risa Groux, CN, Functional Nutritionist and Certified Autoimmune Coach as well as author of Foodframe, Diet Is A Four Letter Word, talking all about fad diets. Risa shares with us everything about the 6 most common fad diets on the market today, why they have become so popular, the best eating approach to adopt or avoid based on your health and any particular health issues you might be facing as well as why a holistic approach is necessary.

In FIT CHICKS Academy, we teach that the holistic approach is the best approach to any lifestyle and share all of this information in our Holistic Nutrition Weight Loss Coaching certification. In the certification we cover how to heal the body from the inside out, using food as medicine with weight loss being a by-product of creating a balanced diet and body. 

If you are wanting to learn more and to get certified to help others, there is still time! Classes started this week but you can jump in now at www.fitchicksacademy.com/hwlc

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