Episode 210 – The #1 Nutrition Technique that will Set You up for Fail-proof Success in any Situation: Introducing the “Core 4”!

Episode 210 - The #1 Nutrition Technique that will Set You up for Fail-proof Success in any Situation: Introducing the “Core 4”!

Does this sound familiar… a couple of weeks go by on your new plan and you are crushing it, you are following your meal plan and your pants are getting looser…then BAM! Life throws you a curveball. Your kids get sick, you get a new stressful project at work, or you just got busy and didn’t have time to do your weekly meal prep. So what do you do? With no food prepared and nothing going as planned, you fall back to old habits and find yourself at the drive through at dinner, promising yourself again that you will start on Monday… If you are failing to plan, you are planning to fail… We’ve all heard this, but what if you just didn’t have time to plan? In this episode, the Head Chick introduce you the #1 Nutrition Technique that will Set You up for Fail-proof Success in any Situation… introducing the Core 4! This one simple, easy to apply nutrition strategy will make sure you are set up for success every single day for your fat loss goals and you can start implementing it today! For more info on FIT CHICKS, visit www.fitchicksacademy.com To get full episode show notes and recap click here

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