Episode 198 – The 3 Money Misconceptions of Becoming a Fitness Instructor (and 3 reasons why you should teach!)

Episode 198 - The 3 Money Misconceptions of Becoming a Fitness Instructor (and 3 reasons why you should teach!)

When people think of fitness instructors, earning a great income doesn’t necessarily come to mind. And that couldn’t be farther from the truth!  Teaching fitness – full or part time – can earn you some SERIOUS coin IF you know how to approach it. In the episode, the Head Chicks break down how teaching as little as 1 class / 2x per week earned them enough to quit their full time jobs and support themselves, how so many fitness pros are missing the mark and how their is still HUGE opportunity in this industry for health passionate women just getting certified to pay off their debt, put down payments on their dream houses, support their families all while doing what they love and making the world a healthier place.   For more info on FIT CHICKS, visit www.fitchicksacademy.com To get full episode show notes and recap click here

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