Episode 160 – From Self Sabotage to Success: How Amber Romaniuk Changed her Life and Others Lives with her Online Business

Episode 160 - From Self Sabotage to Success: How Amber Romaniuk Changed her Life and Others Lives with her Online Business

Learning to see what your gift is from the lowest point of your life seems almost impossible but is exactly what happened to Amber Romaniuk. At her lowest and darkest hour she was able to switch her mindset to see possibility and recognize that if she was struggling that others must be as well. She went into problem solving mode and found a way to heal herself and then develop an online business so she could have a global platform to help others heal the same way. Listed today to hear about Amber’s journey to self discovery, honoring her truth and building an online business as a heart centered health professional. For more info on FIT CHICKS, visit www.fitchicksacademy.com To get full episode show notes and recap click here

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